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Top 8 SCAPEGOATS the LEFT blames as cover for all the mayhem they’re causing


Top 8 SCAPEGOATS the LEFT blames as cover for all the mayhem they’re causing
05/13/2024 / By S.D. Wells

The blame and hate game is in full effect in America, as the Biden Regime sinks the Republic faster than a glacier sinking the Titanic. Every problem created and perpetuated by the Obama and Biden autocracies has a scapegoat, or two, or three, just in case the brainwashed sheeple aren’t quite sure how to follow the fake news bouncing ball on any given day.

Before Obama took over the country, there wasn’t much racism left. Nobody hated anybody for the color of their skin, their religion or their preferred gender “associations.” Comedy made fun of everybody, everything and everybody laughed, even at themselves. Late show actors impersonated U.S. Presidents perfectly, and the satire provided comic relief to social issues, political problems and even racism.

Then came the beginning of the installation of socialism and communism in America. This meant all Americans had to decide who to hate (besides the government), and become convinced that the whole country was “up in arms,” bashing gays, pitting blacks against whites, confusing normal legal immigration with illegal immigration, all while trafficking humans, including prostituting children, through endless wars around the world.

Trump is not a white supremacist, the earth is not about to boil and taking everyone’s guns won’t stop the mass shooters who are all on SSRIs
Yes, the Leftist politicians in Washington DC want to exterminate the middle class of America. This accomplishes most of their goals to have complete police-state-control of everyone almost immediately. This is being accomplished right now by choking out and destroying the supply chain of food, agriculture, technology products, vehicle parts and medicine. Inflation is skyrocketing, crime is running rampant in the big cities and people are dying suddenly from vascular clots induced by mRNA technology.

PeteS in CA:
A sampler:

--- Quote ---Scapegoat #1. Trump and his supporters – anything that’s wrong with anything, including the economy, war, immigration – just blame those “Trumpers” and repeat over and over “Orange Man Bad!”

Scapegoat #2. Climate Change (the excuse for mass-illegal-immigration and human trafficking into the USA).

Scapegoat #3. Racism and “White Supremacists” – unless you’re black, you’re a racist (and if you’re black and side with any whites about anything, you’re an “Uncle Tom”).
Scapegoat #5. Guns – every shooting is the gun’s fault.
Scapegoat #8. The Russians – Those pesky foreigners who love Trump and are constantly trying to take over the world, one U.S. bio-weapons lab at a time.
--- End quote ---

I "sampled" for the sake of Fair Use compliance, though #6 is stupidly false in both factoid-claims.

Scapegoat #8 had fallen out of use for a few years, but I've seen indications that Progs may be recycling their Russia! Russia! Russia! shtick.


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