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Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘How Democrats Left the UN IPCC Behind – ‘Democrats — not all, but many — have lef


Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘How Democrats Left the UN IPCC Behind – ‘Democrats — not all, but many — have left the IPCC behind in favor of an extreme view of climate and extreme events’
By Marc Morano
May 24, 2024
6:28 am

Partisan realignment on the science of climate change


On Wednesday, I’ll be testifying before the Senate Committee on the Budget in a hearing titled, “Droughts, Dollars, and Decisions: Water Scarcity in a Changing Climate.” My testimony is embargoed until then, but after the hearing, I will post my oral and written testimony here and I will be happy to engage questions and comments.

I have been invited by the minority (Republicans) and asked to summarize for the committee the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on drought. The first time I testified before the Senate, in 2002, I was invited by Democrats and I was similarly asked to summarize the findings of the IPCC on extreme events.

That has me thinking about how the views of the IPCC, Democrats, and Republicans1 (and my own views as well) may have changed over the past several decades on the science of climate change — and on extreme weather and climate events specifically.

Don't gaslight me into belieiving that the UN IPCC is a "moderate" organization.

The Looney Left want to accomplish the same thing as the IPCC, but on a much more accelerated schedule.  Impatience on the part of one group of nuts does not mean the other group of nuts isn't out to destroy the West, too.


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