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Unattainable Sustainability


Unattainable Sustainability
1 day ago Guest Blogger

From Heart of Liberty Portfolios

Don Harrison

I keep a spreadsheet with links to informative articles I have read on ESG and climate change.  I typically attach key words to each link so I can easily search out a topic when needed for reference.  When it comes to the climate change debate, “absurdity,” “mendacity,” “grift” and “tyranny” make frequent appearances.  But the star of the show seems to be “fantasy.”

Last month, the always perspicacious Mark Mills penned an excellent piece in City Journal titled “When Politics and Physics Collide.” (1) It is a comprehensive indictment of the magical thinking that permeates the lemming-like rush to EVs, Net Zero and the bulk of “green” technologies.

Here is a sprinkling of the points he makes in his damning analysis:

100 percent of everything in civilized society, including the favored “green energy” machines themselves, depends on using hydrocarbons somewhere in the supply chains and systems.

Through regulatory fiat, the Environmental Protection Agency’s newly announced rules effectively mandate that more than half of all cars and trucks sold must be electric vehicles (EVs) by 2032.  That will demand, and soon, the complete restructuring of the $100 billion U.S. automobile industry.


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