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Nolte: Poll Shows Biden’s Decrepitude Bigger Liability than Trump’s Legal Issues


Nolte: Poll Shows Biden’s Decrepitude Bigger Liability than Trump’s Legal Issues

John Nolte 23 May 2024

In the crucial swing states that will decide the 2024 election, polling shows that His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s decrepitude is a bigger liability than former President Donald Trump’s temperament and legal issues.

With some partners, the left-wing Cook Political Report polled seven swing states and found Trump leading in six: Arizona (+4), Georgia (+4), Michigan (+3), Nevada (+8), North Carolina (+8), and Pennsylvania (+3). The seventh swing state, Wisconsin, is a tie. Other than North Carolina, Biden was certified the winner in the other six in 2020.

Overall, in all seven states, this poll of 3,969 voters taken between May 6 and May 13 found Trump leading Hunter’s Dad 38 to 43 percent.

It should be noted that the numbers listed above include a ballot with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jill Stein, and Cornel West. If it is just Trump and Biden on the ballot, Trump still leads in the same six states and is still tied in Wisconsin, but the race is closer. However, it is more than likely Kennedy will land on most if not all of those ballots, and he is the one sucking most of the support from Slow Joe.


Here’s what I found fascinating — a find that once again proves just how much influence the corporate media have lost:

    Both men enter this race as well-known entities with well-understood liabilities. But Biden’s “age and ability to complete his term” were seen as slightly more concerning than Trump’s “temperament and legal problems” by a 53% to 47% margin. In fact, a whopping 66% of voters think Biden won’t finish his term, including 48% of Democrats and 70% of independent voters.



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