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Illegal immigrant charged with killing Washington trooper has bail lowered 90% because of course


Illegal immigrant charged with killing Washington trooper has bail lowered 90% because of course

Davy Crockett
May 23, 2024 ·
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Must be nice to be an illegal immigrant these days. Even when you kill a state trooper in the state of Washington you get your bail reduced by 90%.

What a deal, right?!?
This illegal was driving drunk and high at three in the morning back in March. He veered off the road and started driving on the shoulder, eventually striking a patrol car and killing Washington State Trooper, Christopher M. Gadd.

His bail was originally set at $1 million, but last week that number was lowered to just $100,000 by Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Richard Okrent.

Hey libs, maybe you guys wanna pool some money together, see if you can get this guy free! It's for a great cause!


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