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THIRTEEN conservative counties in Oregon approve ballot measures for SECESSION

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Daily Mail By Bethan Sexton 5/22/2024

THIRTEEN conservative counties in Oregon approve ballot measures for SECESSION vote that would see them join non-woke Idaho - as they issue list of demands

•  13 liberal Oregon counties support moving to Conservative Idaho
•  Crook County became latest to approve Greater Idaho Measures on Tuesday
•  Supporters want to escape progressive politics and high taxes

Thirteen fed-up counties in liberal Oregon have voted in support of measures to start negotiations to secede from the state and join conservative Idaho.

Crook County became the latest to approve the 'Greater Idaho Measure' following a vote on Tuesday.

The proposal seeks to move the Oregon border 200 miles to the west, meaning that 14 counties and several partial counties would fall under Idaho state lines.

Organizers behind the Greater Idaho movement say east Oregonians are being alienated by the state's progressive policies which they blame for high crime rates.

They claim a move to Idaho would allow residents to take advantage of lower taxation and provide better representation and governance.


Smokin Joe:
Only problem is you can't change State Lines without Congressional approval, and the precedent would have upstate leaving the City in NY, and other rank modifications (NorCal its own State?) too, so the Dems would have fits to stop it.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on May 23, 2024, 09:34:08 pm ---Only problem is you can't change State Lines without Congressional approval, and the precedent would have upstate leaving the City in NY, and other rank modifications (NorCal its own State?) too, so the Dems would have fits to stop it.

--- End quote ---

Yep. Federal issue. What the counties think doesn't matter at all.
Never gonna happen.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: roamer_1 on May 23, 2024, 09:54:11 pm ---Yep. Federal issue. What the counties think doesn't matter at all.
Never gonna happen.

--- End quote ---
Last time it was done the Yankees tore off a chunk of Virginia.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on May 23, 2024, 09:56:34 pm ---Last time it was done the Yankees tore off a chunk of Virginia.

--- End quote ---

I think western Montana ought to be Idaho too... We have more in common with points west than over the hump...


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