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How Gross Are Democrats? Derek Hunter


How Gross Are Democrats?
Derek Hunter

That’s an open-ended question for which there is no answer, but only because there is no limit. Democrats have no “bottom” to hit, since every time they do they break out a shovel and go even deeper. In addition to having no standards, no scruples and no decency, Democrats have to shame either – if there is a tragedy to milk, they will morph into a dairy farmer and start pulling on the teat. It’s gross, really.

But none of this would be possible, or even be done, were Democrat donors not so damn stupid. When you read fundraising emails they send you can only come away with the idea that the leadership of the party views their base as poorly as we do. There’s no other explanation for sending transparently false, incredibly insulting to people’s intelligence, emails to people and expecting a return on the money it costs.

That’s the secret, really – Democrats wouldn’t treat their supporters like they’ve recently suffered a severe closed-head injury and are currently in NFL concussion protocols if it didn’t work.



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