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An Effective Trump Presidency Requires Republican Control of Congress

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May 23, 2024
An Effective Trump Presidency Requires Republican Control of Congress
By Steve McCann

Because virtually all the polling firms publish essentially the same results, there is little doubt that if an honest election were held today Donald Trump would handily defeat Joe Biden in the Electoral College vote.  Further, as long as an increasingly senescent, unpopular, and compromised Joe Biden remains the Democrat nominee, Trump should win at least 270-290 electoral votes (270 needed to win the presidency) in November despite the inevitable Democrat duplicity, lawfare, and voter fraud and machinations.

If faced with the potential scenario of not being able to replace Biden, the Democrats are going to single-mindedly focus on races in both the House and Senate. Not only to block Trump’s agenda as well as his judicial and cabinet appointees, but to reprise their “Impeachment Follies” of 2018-2020.   Losing to Donald Trump again would unleash a virulent strain of Trump Derangement Syndrome.   When combined with control of one or both houses of Congress, there would be four years of unmitigated national chaos.

While so many are focusing on the presidential sweepstakes, it cannot be forgotten that without control of both Houses of Congress there can be no overarching rollback of the disastrous policies of the Biden Administration and the Democrats.  Which raises the question: what is currently happening with congressional races throughout the country?


It wasn't effective last time Trump had a Republican congress.

No wall. No repeal of Obamacare. Spending, spending, spending...

He didn't build any coalitions with members of his own party in congress. It was his way or the highway - and many chose the highway. That's not leading.


--- Quote from: DB on May 23, 2024, 02:28:00 pm ---It wasn't effective last time Trump had a Republican congress.

No wall. No repeal of Obamacare. Spending, spending, spending...

He didn't build any coalitions with members of his own party in congress. It was his way or the highway - and many chose the highway. That's not leading.

--- End quote ---

He also was hostile to Republicans  over Covid stimulus and sided with Democrats that helped bring on the inflation were experiencing today
And a second Trump term promises more of the above with the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene going after any Republicans that won’t go along with Trump’s stupid economic and fiscal ideas

The last time Trump had a GOP majority in both houses of Congress, the only legislative accomplishment was more tax breaks for corporations.  No immigration bill.  No infrastructure bill.

Trump would have signed anything the GOP put on his desk as long as the law had Trump's name in it ... like "Trump's Immigration Law" and "Trump's Build America Great Infrastructure Bill".

The GOP squandered their chances Jan, 2017- Jan, 2019.  The don't deserve another shot until they can demonstrate that they are willing to, and able to, govern effectively.

Sure, they show up at Trump's NYC Trial, but, how's that FY 2025 Budget coming along?

The first thing required is an effective leader. Everything flows down from there.

Trump has shown no ability to lead people in congress.


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