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KJP Thought She Could Take a Victory Lap Over Student Debt 'Relief' at Today's Briefing. She Was Wro


KJP Thought She Could Take a Victory Lap Over Student Debt 'Relief' at Today's Briefing. She Was Wrong.
Spencer Brown

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre may have thought she could get away with a victory lap for President Biden on Wednesday when she heralded the latest illegal student loan "cancellation" attempt by the Biden administration — a transparent ploy to win the support of young voters ahead of November's election — but her attempts to justify the massive reallocation of debt from those who willfully took out loans to American taxpayers did not go over well.

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No matter how you slice it, President Biden's unconstitutional student loan reallocation is fundamentally unfair — and rather ironically flies in the face of Democrats' obsession with equity. On this point, Jean-Pierre was asked why Americans who didn't have $35,000 in student debt shifted to hardworking taxpayers don't also deserve a check for $35,000 to use as they see fit.

Jean-Pierre's answer was more of a mess than usual. Never mind, apparently, that most Americans are already being crushed through no fault of their own by the painful consequences of Bidenomics.



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