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DeSantis, GOP governors to ‘resist’ delegating health authority to WHO amid Geneva meeting

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DeSantis, GOP governors to ‘resist’ delegating health authority to WHO amid Geneva meeting

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Gov. Ron DeSantis is among 24 Republican governors opposing President Joe Biden’s potential to sign the World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Agreement,” saying it would give the organization “unprecedented and unconstitutional powers” over the U.S.

The World Health Assembly takes place May 27-June 1 in Geneva, Switzerland, where the American president is worried to be intending on supporting and signing the agreement, per a late-2023 announcement by the U.S.

The agreement would reportedly “drive a more equitable global response” to pandemics and “enhance cooperation” between members states.

The letter, sent directly to Biden by the GOP governors, said the agreement, a “treaty” without two-thirds approval from the U.S. Senate, would “undermine national sovereignty, infringe upon states’ rights, and jeopardize constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.”

“The objective of these instruments is to empower the WHO, particularly its uncontrollable Director-General, with the authority to restrict the rights of U.S. citizens, including freedoms such as speech, privacy, travel, choice of medical care, and informed consent, thus violating our Constitution’s core principles,” the governors said. “These agreements would seek to elevate the WHO from an advisory body to a global authority in public health.”

They pointed to a proposed element of the agreement that gives the WHO’s director-general “unilateral power” to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” within nations who join onto the agreement.

This, the governors said, delegates health policy direction from the U.S. as a sovereign state to the global body, “potentially including mandates regarding medical treatments.”

“Additional concerns arise regarding the establishment of a global surveillance infrastructure and requirements for member states to censor speech related to public health, potentially facilitating the proliferation of biological weapons,” they said................

Maj. Bill Martin:
Absent ratification by the Senate, or specific implementing implementing language passed by Congress, Biden's signature has no force, and the WHO has no authority here.

Actually, the WHO likely would have no authority here either way.  You'd need specific Acts of Congress to pass whatever specific recommendations the WHO might make down the road.

So while I agree with calling this out, the practical impact is very small.


--- Quote from: Maj. Bill Martin on May 23, 2024, 04:26:52 pm ---Absent ratification by the Senate, or specific implementing implementing language passed by Congress, Biden's signature has no force, and the WHO has no authority here.

Actually, the WHO likely would have no authority here either way.  You'd need specific Acts of Congress to pass whatever specific recommendations the WHO might make down the road.

So while I agree with calling this out, the practical impact is very small.

--- End quote ---
When has this stopped the Obiden train?

Why any rational person would think it is a good idea to put that bucket full of assholes, called the WHO, in charge is beyond me.

Wouldn't that be a foreign Treaty that requires approval by the US Senate?

We are a nation of laws lawyers, after all.


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