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Hunter Biden is being hounded by truth and justice – and he only has his repeated lies to blame.. B


 Hunter Biden is being hounded by truth and justice – and he only has his repeated lies to blame
By Social Links for Miranda Devine
Published May 22, 2024, 9:41 p.m. ET

Hunter Biden was hit with a double whammy Wednesday.

First, a new filing by the prosecution in his upcoming gun-felony trial in Delaware poured scorn on Hunter’s legal team’s bizarrely persistent denial that his laptop and its contents are ­authentic.

Refusing to concede the laptop is his and pretending it might have been stolen by “Russians” or “hacked” by Rudy Giuliani has long been Hunter’s mantra, but special counsel David Weiss and his deputies Derek Hines and Leo Wise demolished the tall tales in a brutal memo, one of 13 lodged with the court Wednesday.

“The defendant’s theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence,” said the filing signed by Weiss.

Hunter’s “laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt.”

The prosecutors also said the laptop is “self-authenticating” and is corroborated by Hunter’s iCloud data that come from Apple.

“What are the messages the defendant is claiming were somehow retroactively planted into his nonfunctional laptop, and what is the evidence of that? There is none. He has not shown any of the actual evidence in this case is unreliable or inauthentic, because there is none.”




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