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EXCLUSIVE: District That Suspended Student For Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’ Fails To Provide Docs To P


EXCLUSIVE: District That Suspended Student For Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’ Fails To Provide Docs To Parents Org

May 22, 2024 7:10 PM ET

A North Carolina public school district did not release all the information requested about a high-profile suspension of a student for using the term “illegal alien.”
Davidson County Schools suspended Christian McGhee in April for using the term when he sought clarification about a vocabulary assignment.
The school district also appeared to instruct school staff to conceal information about students’ gender identities from parents in a training presentation done in 2021.

A North Carolina school district that suspended a student for using the term “illegal alien” failed to provide all public records pertaining to the incident that were requested by a parental-rights organization, the group told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Christian McGhee, a 16-year-old student at Central Davidson High School, received a three-day suspension in April for using the term “illegal aliens” during class while asking the teacher for clarification on a vocabulary assignment, prompting his parents to file a lawsuit against the Davidson County Board of Education. Parents Defending Education (PDE) filed a records request about the suspension, but received only four emails totaling eight pages that were provided to the DCNF.


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