General Category > Climate Change

Why Do We Now Think Politicians Can Control the Weather?


Why Do We Now Think Politicians Can Control the Weather?
BY JAMES LEARY 22 MAY 2024 1:28 PM

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

If in doubt, attribute a quote to Churchill because he probably did say it at one time or another. It’s certainly been stolen many times over, and the mainstream media, BBC, Sky et al. have declared an emergency, broken the glass and pulled the dusty old axiom out of its case as the pictures of bloodied passengers and crew – pure gold to the climate catastrophisers – came in yesterday after the Singapore Airlines accident over Myanmar (Burma in old money). For aircraft accident it was, and as, sadly, a death was involved, and several severe injuries, this is how it will be treated by the Singapore aviation authorities. They are nothing if not thorough there and eventually the exact truth of the sequence of events will come out, but by then the caravanserai of the chattering classes will have emptied and the climate caravan will be somewhere, anywhere else. They only need to borrow the truth for a day or two, they don’t need to own it. 

A troublesome incident for sure. A ‘perfect storm’ of events seems to have come together. Geographically, Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 was nearing the end of its journey from London and the passengers were being served ‘breakfast’, or whatever meals are called where local time has overtaken stomach expectations. Trollies were out, galleys were stacked with the detritus of 300-odd meals, and passengers were queuing for the loos to freshen up before the arrival into Singapore. All so normal.

There is plenty of evidence from the MSM that when democrats and rinos arrive in Congress, they become both omniscient and omnipotent.  So, sure they can control the weather. *****rollingeyes*****


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