General Category > Immigration/Border

Border officials rip Biden’s attempt at last-minute policy changes ‘because it’s election year’


Border officials rip Biden’s attempt at last-minute policy changes ‘because it’s election year’
YUMA, Arizona — Former and current border officials believe President Biden is making last-minute changes to his administration’s border policies solely to gain votes in the November presidential election.

On May 16, the Biden administration announced it would implement a new expedited asylum adjudication process for migrants who will have their cases heard in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles or New York City, where decisions will be made within 180 days.
The president is also said to be weighing an executive order to shut down the border once there are 4,000 crossings per day, sources recently told The Post.

Former President Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot and former Yuma sector Border Patrol chief Chris Clem all told The Post they feel these fixes are just for show, and won’t address problems caused by the last three and a half years of crisis at the southern border.


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