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Is Beef Production A Major Contributor To Climate Change?

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Is Beef Production A Major Contributor To Climate Change?
May 20, 2024/ Francis Menton

Undoubtedly, by this time in your life you have read a hundred times, or maybe a thousand, that beef production is a “major contributor” to climate change.  It’s one of those narratives that has become a continuous drumbeat in the progressive press.  Probably, you have had no reason to question it.  Without thinking about it, you likely assume that this narrative is probably true.

But there is good reason to think critically about this one.  Among the various scare stories used to take further control of your life, this is one of the more important.  With the war against fossil fuels, there is at least the pretense that their use can be reduced or eliminated without major effect on your lifestyle — i.e., just replace the energy from fossil fuels with “cheap” electricity from wind and sun.  There is no such pretense with the war on beef.  The end game is unabashedly to reduce your standard of living by taking away one of the most important and best parts of your diet.

So is it true that beef production is a major contributor to climate change?  If you give the subject a moment’s critical thought, you will quickly realize that the proposition is wrong.  And you will come to that conclusion even if you fully accept that methane gas in the atmosphere is a major contributor to climate change, and that cattle raised to produce beef emit large amounts of methane gas.  There is an obvious logical flaw in the reasoning that is used to accuse beef production of being a major contributor to climate change.

But before getting to that, let’s look at one of my lists of the usual fools (and power-hungry government functionaries) repeating the narrative:


next question...?

Communist countries all get rid of beef except for the privileged.

Look at Cuba. To this day the only way you can raise beef is by carrying a title to each cow, and you must prove where it went if you no longer have it... And the peasants there have only chicken, and damn little of that.

This ain't about climate. It is typical (as in history will prove me right) communist control.


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on May 22, 2024, 10:53:15 pm ---Communist countries all get rid of beef except for the privileged.

Look at Cuba. To this day the only way you can raise beef is by carrying a title to each cow, and you must prove where it went if you no longer have it... And the peasants there have only chicken, and damn little of that.

This ain't about climate. It is typical (as in history will prove me right) communist control.

--- End quote ---

There is a possibility if our country continues on our current liberal/socialist/marxist course that we are headed, we will have food ration cards --not the ration cards of long ago, but instead, we will have 'credit cards' with chips in them. They are already racing towards a cashless society. The chips in the credit cards will verify identity and what you're allotted portion is for virtually everything; food, water, medical, clothing, shelter, etc. No one will own anything expect for the ultra elite like Bill Gates, George Soros, et., al,  who will control the masses with the newest AI technology that will make the decision of who gets what and who does what.

AI technology is yet another discussion altogether.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: Fishrrman on May 22, 2024, 10:15:55 pm ---No.

next question...?

--- End quote ---
Right. Herds of Buffalo once crossed the plains from horizon to horizon as far as the eye could see. And they did it without peeing, farting, or pooping more than just enough for people to make dung fires, right? ...and didn't make any contribution to "Climate Change".

The cows just filled their niche, primarily because they are easier to harvest for meat.


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