General Category > Climate Change

Could CO2 Be Convicted Of Overheating The Planet In A Criminal Court?


Could CO2 Be Convicted Of Overheating The Planet In A Criminal Court?
by I & I Editorial Board  7 hours ago 
Showing that there are no loons quite like global warming loons, Jim Dale, founder of the British Weather Services, recently “​​demanded” that “climate denial” should be “criminalized.” [emphasis, links added]

According to news from the “United Kingdom’s News Channel,” Dale “likened climate denial to flat earth conspiracy theories, arguing they are too dangerous for public discourse.”

As our favorite Looney Tunes character would say, “What a maroon.”

Yet it makes us wonder: If carbon dioxide were put on trial, charged with overheating our only planet, would it be convicted?

Not if the trial was fair.


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