General Category > Climate Change

Dutch Farmers Triumph Over Ideological Climate Policies: A Victory for Practicality and Reason


Dutch Farmers Triumph Over Ideological Climate Policies: A Victory for Practicality and Reason
13 hours ago Charles Rotter 39 Comments

In a significant victory for conservative values and practical policy-making, Dutch farmers and a new right-wing coalition government have successfully pushed back against wasteful and impractical climate policies. This remarkable turnaround comes after years of top-down, ideologically driven mandates that threatened both the livelihood of farmers and the economic stability of the Netherlands. This victory is not just a win for Dutch farmers but a promising sign for conservatives worldwide who advocate for sensible, science-based environmental policies.

The Rise of the Right-Wing Coalition

Geert Wilders, a prominent figure in Dutch politics, has led a coalition that marks a decisive shift in the Netherlands’ approach to climate policy. Wilders, often dubbed the “Dutch Trump,” formed a new government that includes the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB). This coalition is notable for being the first to prioritize agricultural interests since the EU set its net-zero objectives.



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