General Category > Immigration/Border

Opinion: Biden’s new asylum ruling is a big flashing ‘Welcome’ sign for undocumented immigrants


Opinion: Biden’s new asylum ruling is a big flashing ‘Welcome’ sign for undocumented immigrants
© Provided by The Hill

On May 16, 2024, the administration announced the formation of a new recent arrivals docket process to more expeditiously resolve the asylum claims of single adults who are apprehended at the border after making an illegal crossing.

The announcement claims that the objective of the program is to “accelerate asylum proceedings so that individuals who do not qualify for relief can be removed more quickly and those who do qualify can achieve protection sooner.”
This does not mean that the asylum claims of these illegal crossers will be disposed of at the border. They will be released into the country for a hearing before an immigration judge in accelerated docket proceedings. 

The accelerated docket will operate in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City. The Justice Department has assigned 10 judges who will try to render decisions within 180 days.

Democrats and rinos are in an even bigger hurry all of a sudden.  I think it's an admission Biden is going to get his ass kicked in Nov. and they want to build the count of illegals in certain key states for apportionment of the House. :pondering:


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