General Category > Politics/Government

MAGA-Phobia: Politico Q&A with Totalitarianism Expert Focuses on Trump



--- Quote ---"News" outlets are engaged in feverish speculation about just how dystopian Donald Trump's second term might be. Their fervent imaginations overrule the reality of Trump's first term, which never devolved into dictatorship.

On Sunday, Politico's Joanna Weiss conducted a Q&A with liberal Samantha Rose Hill, a scholar of totalitarianism and the author Hannah Arendt. The headline was "‘A Truer Reality Beyond Reality’: Hannah Arendt’s Warning About How Totalitarianism Takes Root."

Although Stalinism and Nazism are touched upon (barely), the main focus was Orange Man Bad.
--- End quote ---

PeteS in CA:
Trump obstinately refuses to do the evil Progs predict he will, so they have to create it for him.


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