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Tucker Carlson’s Show Debuts On TV



Trending Politics
Mark Steffen
May 21, 2024

Tucker Carlson is continuing to expand his fledgling media empire in unexpected corners since drawing millions of viewers to an interview he conducted earlier this year with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Newsweek reports that the former Fox News star’s show will be run on a Russian television channel. A first episode with news channel Russia 24 is now available online, according to local media reports. The newspaper Rossiskya Gazyeta adds that Carlson’s venture is part of a joint project with his own outlet, Tucker Carlson Network, where the conservative host will interview politicians and high-profile celebrities with “alternative views to the mainstream.”

Liberal news outlet the Daily Beast provided some mocking commentary of the announcement, noting the program “Tucker. Rossiya 24″ is mostly made up of former interviews Carlson has done himself for his programs on X and his own website, albeit with a Russian voiceover. The latest episode covers Carlson’s thoughts on the spread of Lyme disease as a “bioweapon” under the chyron “ticks–nuclear weapons for the poor.” An initial premier of the episode was available to American viewers on May 10th.


Cyber Liberty:
Carlson denies this Newsweek garbage.  Hoax by one of the usual suspects.


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on May 21, 2024, 11:44:03 pm ---Carlson denies this Newsweek garbage.  Hoax by one of the usual suspects.

--- End quote ---

 :cool: :cool: :cool:

After being punked by 240 today, I'll always be on the lookout.   :silly:

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: catfish1957 on May 21, 2024, 11:47:24 pm --- :cool: :cool: :cool:

After being punked by 240 today, I'll always be on the lookout.   :silly:

--- End quote ---

:happyhappy:  enjoy your 240B 101 class!


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