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Pollak: 13 Trump Policies That Biden Reversed, Making War More Likely


Pollak: 13 Trump Policies That Biden Reversed, Making War More Likely
Donald Trump and Joe BidenWin McNamee, Shawn Thew/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images
JOEL B. POLLAK20 May 2024243

President Joe Biden took office proclaiming, “America is back.” The idea, or conceit, had been that America was isolated, and isolationist, under the “America first” foreign policy of President Donald Trump.

What Biden and his advisers missed was that Trump presided over four years of peace, in which America’s enemies were in retreat.

By reversing Trump’s policies, Biden set the stage for the ongoing wars in the Middle East, and in Europe as well.

1. Restoring funding to UNRWA and the Palestinians. Trump signed the Taylor Force Act, which prevents the U.S. from funding the Palestinian Authority while it subsidizes terrorism. Trump also ended funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which encourages anti-Israel and antisemitic radicalism. Biden went around the Taylor Force Act and restored funds to UNRWA, which had employees involved in the October 7 attacks.

2. Dropping sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Despite Biden, the Democrats, and the media claiming for four years that Trump was a puppet of Russian president Vladimir Putin, Biden reversed Trump’s sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline. He held a summit with Putin in Geneva — before meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. Russia sensed weakness, especially after the botched Afghanistan pullout, and invaded Ukraine.

PeteS in CA:
Missing from the list: Draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to hide the inflationary effects of his anti-oil actions. This encourages war two ways:

* While USN carriers and submarines are nuclear-powered, the cruisers and destroyers that handle carriers' defense need oil-based fuel. LIEden complicated/hindered deployment of USN carriers in the event of war.

* The SPR was created to buffer the US military and US economy from the effects of a disruption of world oil supply. LIEden made the US susceptible to the disruptive effects of conflicts/wars that disrupt worldwide oil supplies. This encourages US enemies to aggress against oil traffic, e.g. Iran screwing with tanker traffic in the Persian Gulf.


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