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Another surprising reason Joe Biden should now step aside.. Liz Peek


Another surprising reason Joe Biden should now step aside
Though Vice President Harris’ approval ratings are still poor, she is arguably more capable now than President Biden
 By Liz Peek Fox News
Published May 21, 2024 5:00am EDT

Joe Biden is running out of excuses. While many Democrats have urged him to end his re-election bid, including friendly columnists like the New York Times’ Ezra Klein and Washington Post’s David Ignatius, it has been the conventional wisdom that Biden could not do so, fearful that an even less popular Kamala Harris would replace him as the 2024 Democratic candidate for president.

That is changing. Vice President Harris has been out on the stump, performing the kind of all-out energetic campaigning that the president cannot manage. She meets almost daily with women’s groups talking about abortion and Black groups talking about racial justice.

She travels incessantly to swing states to hand out money and programs, crediting the Biden-Harris White House – emphasis on Harris – with passing the enormous spending bills at the heart of the administration’s campaign.

She also frequently entertains important Democrats at her home in Washington, getting to know the important power brokers. Quietly, off the radar, even as she is being virtually ignored by Republican analysts and commentators, Harris’ efforts are paying off.


Cyber Liberty:
I'd rather have a senile Joe than a totally madcap Harris in office. She's just sharp enough to do real damage.


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on May 21, 2024, 07:44:49 pm ---I'd rather have a senile Joe than a totally madcap Harris in office. She's just sharp enough to do real damage.

--- End quote ---

Hard to know which is worse. Joe has no clue what's going on. Whomever is running the White House behind the curtain is able to do so with impunity making them far bolder. That's dangerous.


--- Quote from: DB on May 21, 2024, 07:52:32 pm ---Hard to know which is worse. Joe has no clue what's going on. Whomever is running the White House behind the curtain is able to do so with impunity making them far bolder. That's dangerous.

--- End quote ---

I think it's Val Jar with instruction from the Mullahs in Iran.

When looking at something, I ask myself what equal or greater force has put this into motion (aka, Inertia)?

On that basis  ...

1.) This is a plant by Harris minions.
2.) "many democrats" = Hillary Clinton

I still think Hillary Clinton is circling, like a buzzard, above the Biden 2024 Campaign, waiting for it to die.


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