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The Urgent Need for Security Clearance Reform


The Urgent Need for Security Clearance Reform
By Evan Loomis
May 21, 2024
U.S. Army

"I wish you had a security clearance so I could tell you what's really going on." It's what those of us working on cutting-edge defense and intelligence technologies hear regularly, and it captures the problem of America's outdated security clearance system.

Born out of the post-World War II era, the U.S. security clearance system was designed for a different time — one of monolithic, slow-moving threats and a government monopoly on foundational research. However, in today's world of rapid technological change, this once-effective system has become a major roadblock. It hinders the creative potential of our brightest minds and leaves investors in the dark, unable to direct resources towards critical national challenges.

The contemporary clearance system has four main levels: Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI), Top Secret (TS), Secret (S), and Confidential (C). Each level grants access to increasingly sensitive information, with TS/SCI being the highest. Obtaining a clearance involves a lengthy background investigation process that can take months or even years.


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