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Feds Sue To Allow Illegals to Vote in Swing State Arizona


Feds Sue To Allow Illegals to Vote in Swing State Arizona
The people of Arizona voted and their state representatives took steps aligned with the 86% of Americans who feel only US Citizens should vote in US elections.

Unfortunately, The Feds have successfully sued to stop swing state Arizona from verifying citizenships, and when they tried to ask for geographic information about where voter registrants were born, the Feds sued and stopped that, too!

US Taxpayer resources are being used by federal agencies weaponized against the citizens of America to protect, encourage, and facilitate noncitizen and illegal Migrant voters!

VIDEO: Court STRIKES DOWN Arizona Law Requiring Voters To Be US Citizens

Biden's DOJ: Court Finds That Arizona Voter Registration Provisions Violate Federal Law

I didn't know a federal law could apply to just one state, especially a law that is blatantly unconstitutional. :shrug:


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