General Category > Immigration/Border

More Than Half Of US Voters Want Illegal Immigrants Rounded Up And Kicked Out: New Poll


More Than Half Of US Voters Want Illegal Immigrants Rounded Up And Kicked Out: New Poll

By Alicia Powe
May. 20, 2024 7:00 pm

Democrats may have effectively convinced their base during the Trump administration that building a wall and securing a border is racist.

But the Biden regime’s open border policies, in which illegal aliens from around the world are given free housing, transportation, the opportunity to vote, and get-out-of-jail cards to reside in the United States indefinitely, is outraging voters on both sides of the aisle.

A whopping 56 percent of registered voters said most or all illegal aliens in the US should be rounded up and kicked out of the country, according to a new Reuters/Ispos poll.

The poll shows 36 percent of voters support incarcerating illegal aliens in detention camps until they are deported.

Ten percent surveyed were unsure whether they should be detained in camps.

“Voters’ views on immigration align more with [Biden’s] predecessor, Donald Trump, who vows to crack down on migrants if he beats Biden in the 2024 presidential contest,” Daily Mail reports.


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