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Who would have believed it? Aid coming through Biden’s Gaza pier already being stolen

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Who would have believed it? Aid coming through Biden’s Gaza pier already being stolen
May 21, 2024 | Chris Donaldson

Critics pointed out that there were major shortcomings with President Joe Biden’s floating pier in Gaza and they have been proven right about one thing.

The temporary structure, a $320 million sop to Muslim voters in Michigan, officially opened for business last week with it being reported that the humanitarian aid that was to be delivered to presumably starving Gazans never made it to the UN warehouse, instead the contents were stolen along the way.

“Reuters is reporting that most of the aid coming into Gaza from the U.S. military’s pier since Saturday was stolen by Palestinians as it made its journey to the UN’s warehouse in nearby Deir El Balah, “Reuters Military & Intelligence Correspondent Phil Stewart said in a Monday post to the X social media platform.

Phil Stewart
Reuters is reporting that most of the aid coming into Gaza from the U.S. military's pier since Saturday was stolen by Palestinians as it made its journey to the UN's warehouse in nearby Deir El Balah.
* 11 trucks out of 16 trucks were cleaned out on Saturday
* No deliveries on Sunday or Monday
2:25 PM · May 20, 2024

Good news is the aid is getting those who need it most. /s

Report: Most Aid Delivered to Gaza Via U.S. Pier Is Being Stolen

Most of the aid being delivered to Gaza via the new “floating pier” constructed by the U.S. military is being stolen, according to reports.

PeteS in CA:
Is the stuff being stolen by Hamas? Or is the stuff being stolen by rando Arab Palis before Hamas steals it?

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: PeteS in CA on May 22, 2024, 04:43:52 pm ---Is the stuff being stolen by Hamas? Or is the stuff being stolen by rando Arab Palis before Hamas steals it?

--- End quote ---

That is a really good question, but I don't think it matters in the grand scheme. I think Shortbus Joe intends the aid material to go into the hands of either Hamas or the Randos, as you call them.  A perfectly accurate distinction to draw. BTW.

It just goes to show that President Puddinhead is actively trying to force Israel to lose in Gaza or give up, which will likely ultimately result in a total loss of the nation of Israel.  He's already taking steps to allow the Pally terrorists to come to the US to set up cells, both Hamas and the Randos.  Makes no difference.


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