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Where Have all the Real Men Gone? How the feminization of culture and the decline of the male hero i

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A female psychiatrist's take:
--- Quote ---Where Have all the Real Men Gone?
How the feminization of culture and the decline of the male hero is ruining everything for everybody (Part 1)
Apr 25, 2024

I like men. I like the fact that they are different from women—that they are from Mars while we are from Venus. I like the fact that they're always trying to fix things. It's adorable, even when it's annoying. Men are not women—even though you can now get yourself banned from social media for saying so out loud. ...

When I was growing up, this is how our culture portrayed men: Yes, the Marlboro Man. ... We all know that the stereotype I’ve just described is a product of the patriarchy (the white Christian cis-heteronormative patriarchy, to be precise) and we know this because the venerable American Psychological Association—an organization increasingly dominated by women—has said so. In its 2018 Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Men and Boys, the APA concluded that “traditional masculinity — marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful.”  ...

Without heroes and positive male role models (which create expectations for behaviour) both men and women—and boys and girls—are suffering. If we immerse boys and young men in a culture that tells them their innate traits are toxic, that their contributions are not needed and that we expect nothing of them, how could they fail to live down to our low expectations? When we tell them that striving and competing are proof that they are toxic males, can we blame them for choosing to stay in mom’s basement playing video games and smoking dope? ...

Everywhere we turn, boys are failing, falling behind academically (at every level), dropping out of the workforce and killing themselves in record numbers. Although “experts” tell us we are still living in a patriarchy, it’s hard to escape the sense that we are increasingly living in a toxic matriarchy, complete with emotional reasoning, “mean girl” ethics, and a culture of radical safetyism at the expense of Malboro-Man-style liberty and honour. Contra the APA, I would argue that what we need is more stoicism and less concern with the “feelings” of those who choose to embrace victimhood. ...
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Read entire essay at

See also Part 2: Welcome to the Gynocracy

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: mountaineer on May 21, 2024, 12:43:24 pm ---A female psychiatrist's take:Read entire essay at

See also Part 2: Welcome to the Gynocracy

--- End quote ---
Excellent article, excellent site! Thanks for that link!



It all started with the emergence of the battleaxe ...

Thanks for posting @mountaineer , excellent articles and a very interesting site.


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