General Category > Climate Change

President of European Central Bank Says the Entire Economy and Financial System Requires Overhauling


President of European Central Bank Says the Entire Economy and Financial System Requires Overhauling due to Climate Change
Christine Lagarde using the excuse that keeps on giving

MAY 16, 2024
Don’t blame us when the economy crashes, says Christine Lagarde, head of the European Central Bank (ECB), it was climate change wot dunnit.

The former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) took to the stage to petrify Europeans into complying - “Floods, droughts and wildfires last year were just a preview of what is to come”, she said in an almost threatening tone.

With the menacing warnings out of the way, Lagarde gives a brief insight into what the globalists have in store for us when the economy starts to implode. Climate change will be changing our economy and financial system, she tells us.

To ensure they retain control once the system fails, they have a cunning plan. She calls it the ‘new climate and nature plan’ because that sounds all fuzzy and warm - ‘returning the plebs to serfdom plan’ probably wouldn’t cut it.

We need to strap on our chains and start getting ready to give our lives and property to government wisdom. *****rollingeyes*****


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