General Category > Politics/Government

Hoax or Heartfelt? Doubts Raised About Authenticity of Biden’s Handwritten Note from a Young Girl (


American Girl:
If I had to guess I’d say it’s a clever AI forgery. Just a little too uniform in its non-uniformity if that makes any sense. Something uncanny valley about it.


I'd believe a handwritten note from a young girl that said, "Mr. Biden, That time you touched me all over was really creepy and I didn't like it ..."

Timber Rattler:

--- Quote from: American Girl on May 18, 2024, 04:01:41 pm ---If I had to guess I’d say it’s a clever AI forgery. Just a little too uniform in its non-uniformity if that makes any sense. Something uncanny valley about it.

--- End quote ---

It's way too clean for young kids, and they aren't even being taught cursive in schools anymore.  No, it was produced using some word processing software like MS Word and a kids' writing font.

@American Girl

895 posts, yet you still refuse to follow the rules here?


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