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CA solar firm rips into wilderness: Will it doom 4,200 Joshua Trees?


CA solar firm rips into wilderness: Will it doom 4,200 Joshua Trees?
Kathleen Marquardt
May 18th, 2024
Some Greens are waking up to the ills of so-called “green” energy. And it’s about time. And rather fun to watch – if the drive for the holier-than-thou green grail hadn’t already done so much damage to the beautiful environment of our great country.

Basin and Range Watch posted on X: 4,200 Joshua trees are scheduled to be removed and replaced by solar panels for the Aratina Solar Project near Boron, CA, in June of this year. The trees will not be salvaged, but funds based on their size will be placed in a mitigation bank.

Wow, but keep in mind Joshua trees are not very big. And how do they figure out the fund size? Who cares?! If they can be cavalier about thousands of Joshua trees, think about what else will not be worth salvaging.

Jason Brown, on, posted a short piece titled “Shadows Over Joshua Tree: Sacrificing Nature for Solar Power”. He notes:

It depends on how much grease they have to put in Newsom's back pocket. :whistle:


Forget the plain and simple fact that solar in California is not economically viable because the market is so saturated all the electricity produced is more than can be used in the state during the day forcing utilities to pay other states to take the excess and reduce payments to homeowners pushing their excess to the grid.


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