General Category > Climate Change

Survey Shows Biden’s Climate Scam Scare Tactics Aren’t Working


Survey Shows Biden’s Climate Scam Scare Tactics Aren’t Working
by Warren Beatty  5 hours ago 

First, the stage must be set. The joke that currently occupies the Bully Pulpit says he’s the first climate president, says he’s making history by confronting the climate crisis, not denying it. [emphasis, links added]

“I’m taking the most significant action on climate ever in the history of the world.” Now to his latest tactic.

Biden gave a warning on climate change in September 2021, when he surveyed damage caused by Hurricane Ida in New York and New Jersey.

“We’ve got to listen to the scientists … they all tell us this is code red. … The nation and the world are in peril, and that’s not hyperbole. This is everybody’s crisis.”

Smokin Joe:
Wesa gonna dieee!

In just 10 more years....


Yeah, no. Kids are often just done with the panic. There is a point with fear where the system overloads and the breakers trip and you just say "F*** it.  I'm just not going to be afraid any more. What happens, will."

Frankly, after 4000+ miles of interstate and even relatively ordinary highway driving, from what I have seen people do on the highways, they just don't care any more--about tomorrow or an hour from now, much less ten years. I saw 2 EVs in five weeks on the road, none in the mountains, and only one on the interstates.


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