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Mike Johnson Teams with Ousted Speaker and Conservative Nemesis John Boehner for High-Dollar Fundrai


Mike Johnson Teams with Ousted Speaker and Conservative Nemesis John Boehner for High-Dollar Fundraiser

Bradley Jaye 17 May 2024

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is teaming up with John Boehner, the conservative nemesis ousted from the Speaker’s office for cozying up to Democrats, for an Ohio fundraiser on May 30.

Boehner, who now works for Squire Patton Boggs, one of the largest lobbying firms in the world, is hosting and speaking at the event for Grow the Majority. General attendees must fork over $1,500, with $10,000 required for a photo and a whopping $25,000 for a VIP Roundtable.

Punchbowl News, which reported the fundraiser, noted “if you’ve listened to Speaker Mike Johnson recently, there is some John Boehner influence poking through.”

Boehner, who was infamously chummy with Barack Obama, was ousted in October 2015 amid a conservative mutiny over Boehner ushering through Democrat priorities and violating the Hastert Rule to pass spending legislation over the opposition of a majority of his own party. Roughly two dozen Republican members, led by then-Rep. Mark Meadows, indicated they would vote against Boehner in a “vacate the chair” resolution, which led to Boehner resigning.

Like Boehner, Johnson himself has violated the rule, most recently with a bill to send tens of billions of American taxpayer dollars to Ukraine.

Yet Johnson has arguably gone even further than Boehner in appeasing Democrats — and in a much briefer tenure.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has described Johnson’s “three betrayals,” specifically, Johnson funding Biden’s spending policies — at even higher spending levels than the omnibus bill last passed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) — forcing through a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) extension without a requirement to require warrants before spying on Americans, and his foreign aid package with Ukraine money.

Johnson’s actions even won him the support of 163 Democrats earlier in May after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) forced a vote to vacate the chair — a level of support that even Democrat-friendly Boehner lacked during his tenure.


Smokin Joe:

Who didn't see that coming?


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on May 17, 2024, 09:05:47 pm ---Boehner/Johnson....

Who didn't see that coming?

--- End quote ---

I honestly didn't and to add insult to injury Johnson just attended Trump's trial.  Yet, people are finding fault with MTG for trying to oust Johnson????

Boehner was one of the GOP's worst nightmares.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on May 17, 2024, 09:05:47 pm ---Boehner/Johnson....

Who didn't see that coming?

--- End quote ---
Sounds like one of those wedding announcements that used to show up on Jay Leno...

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: jmyrlefuller on May 17, 2024, 10:21:33 pm --- Sounds like one of those wedding announcements that used to show up on Jay Leno...

--- End quote ---


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