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Biden’s Impeachable ‘Foreign Oil’ Policy


Biden’s Impeachable ‘Foreign Oil’ Policy

One long string of ‘quid-pro-quos’ that have led to international wars and terrorism.

May 17, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield

Five years after Trump was impeached over accusations that he pressured Ukraine for political reasons, Biden is pressuring Ukraine for political reasons with no impeachment in sight.

Recent reports in the UK’s Telegraph and Financial Times suggest that Biden is demanding that Ukraine stop attacking Russia’s energy infrastructure because he’s afraid of the impact of high energy prices on the presidential election.

“Mr Biden reportedly raised concerns with Kyiv that the bid to damage Russia’s oil production capacity could have repercussions for his re-election campaign,” The Telegraph reported.

“Nothing terrifies a sitting American president more than a surge in pump prices during an election year,” The Financial Times quoted a former White House energy adviser as saying.

Similar reports have started to appear in other European media outlets including Politico.

Whatever one thinks of the Russia-Ukraine War, Joe Biden’s re-election prospects are an illegitimate and impeachable reason to be conducting a war or any foreign policy.

And this is not a unique event.


When will Biden allow Ukraine to establish air supremacy over its own airspace?

Without Air Supremacy, Ukraine can accomplish little on offense.

Biden's real fear is that a global oil price shock will delay or cancel his Green New Screw Deal agenda.  He doesn't care how much Americans have to pay for energy.


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