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Shocker: Reuters Discovers Trump's Super-Secret Plan to 'Control the Department of Justice'


Shocker: Reuters Discovers Trump's Super-Secret Plan to 'Control the Department of Justice'
Ed Morrissey

And that would be ... winning a presidential election.

No, seriously, that's the plan. Donald Trump becomes president, and then appoints people to set prosecutorial priorities and statutory interpretations at the Department of Justice and the FBI.

For some reason, Reuters labors under the impression that this would be the first time a president has done this:

    Some of Donald Trump's allies are assembling proposals to curtail the Justice Department's independence and turn the nation's top law enforcement body into an attack dog for conservative causes, nine people involved in the effort told Reuters.

    If successful, the overhaul could represent one of the most consequential actions of a second Trump presidency given the Justice Department's role in protecting democratic institutions and upholding the rule of law.

    It would also mark a dramatic departure from the department's mission statement, opens new tab, which identifies "independence and impartiality" as core values.

Ahem. In fact, double ahem. The current Attorney General has demanded executive privilege over a recording of a deposition of Joe Biden in a criminal investigation. When did Special Counsel Robert Hur become a presidential advisor? At the same time, the DoJ is using another special counsel to pursue felony indictments against Joe Biden's opponent in the upcoming presidential elections, having waited nearly three years and until Trump became the clear GOP front-runner before taking any action on those cases. And let's not forget the DoJ's attempt to cut a sweetheart plea deal for the president's son that was so embarrassing that a judge threw it out and forced Merrick Garland to actually prosecute Hunter Biden.


PeteS in CA:
The Justice Department is part of the executive branch of the US government? Who knew?


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