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Science Should Undergird America’s Energy Choices, Not Lobbyists


Science Should Undergird America’s Energy Choices, Not Lobbyists
by John Droz Jr.  9 hours ago 

The fundamental fight over enacting effective energy policies is between lobbyists and the public. (A parallel perspective is that it is a contest between real science and political science.) [emphasis, links added]

Lobbyists are paid to represent their clients’ economic interests or political agendas. The public consists of citizens, businesses, and the military.

Lobbyists are professionals who spend most of their time soliciting legislators on their client’s behalf. See this interesting new book about lobbyists.

The obvious question is: “Who is balancing out this one-sided influence by competently and aggressively representing the public’s interests on energy policies (and other important issues)?  The unfortunate answer is almost no one.


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