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‘Sharp Increase’: More Than 100K Police Officers Attacked on the Job in Two Years


‘Sharp Increase’: More Than 100K Police Officers Attacked on the Job in Two Years
OLIVIA RONDEAU15 May 2024214
More than 100,000 law enforcement officers have been attacked on the job in the last two years, and more were killed in the last three years compared to any other period within the last 20 years, FBI statistics show.

A shocking 194 officers were feloniously killed between 2021 and 2023 — more than in any other consecutive three-year period in the past two decades — a special report that the FBI released on Tuesday revealed.

Law enforcement agencies around the country reported to the bureau that a total of 79,091 officers were assaulted in 2023, marking the highest officer assault rate in the past decade.

The top two most common circumstances during which these assaults occurred were when cops responded to simple assaults against non-officers and when cops responded to drug violations.


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