General Category > Biden Crime Family

Hunter Biden’s legal defense has a problem: The patron paying the bills is running out of cash


Politico By Betsy Woodruff Swan and Brittany Gibson 5/15/2024

Kevin Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer who has loaned millions to the president’s son, has told associates he is tapped out.

Less than a month before the start of his first trial, Hunter Biden may be losing a key financial lifeline.

Kevin Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer who has long supported the president’s son, has told associates that he has run out of resources to help fund Biden’s legal defense, according to a person close to Morris who was granted anonymity to discuss private conversations.

“The reason Kevin got involved financially in the first place was that he could see that no one was going to help Hunter,” said the person. “Now, four and a half years later, there’s still no help — and now Kevin is completely tapped out. So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It’s pretty dire.”

Reached for comment about this reporting, Morris confirmed the person’s account but declined to elaborate further. A spokesperson for Biden’s legal team also declined to comment.

Biden is scheduled to begin trial on June 3 on federal gun charges in Delaware. A separate case, in which Biden is charged with federal tax crimes, is scheduled to go to trial June 20 in California.


That's a shame.  :silly:



--- Quote ---If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you.
--- End quote ---


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