Author Topic: Biden Regime’s Betrayal of Israel is Not Just to Get Votes  (Read 172 times)

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Online Elderberry

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The Post & Email by Robert Spencer 5/15/2024

 It’s also the result of the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of his administration.

The pressure on the Biden regime over its ostensible but hollow (at best) support for Israel has been high for months. The regime’s betrayal of Israel has been widely explained as a capitulation to threats from Muslim leaders that Old Joe would receive no Muslim votes in November unless he stabbed the Jewish state in the back. That consideration likely had a great deal to do with the betrayal, but the pressure also comes from within the regime: his handlers have appointed Muslim Brotherhood-linked haters of Israel to numerous positions of influence, and that influence is being felt.

The pressures from inside and outside the Biden regime ultimately emanate from the same source. Middle East Eye reported in Oct. 2020 that Biden released a video message to Muslim Advocates, the group that was responsible in 2011 for the Obama administration’s removal of all mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training. Biden vowed: “My administration will look like America, Muslim Americans serving at every level.” Middle East Eye also noted that “while Muslims represent a small minority of the American electorate, their communities are concentrated in key swing states that Trump won by a small margin in 2016, including Michigan.”

Muslim leaders in the U.S. kept that fact firmly in mind. In Nov. 2023, Nihad Awad, executive director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who infamously said that he was “happy” about Hamas’ Oct. 7 jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis, declared at a pro-Hamas rally: “No cease-fire, no votes. No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania. No votes for you anywhere if you don’t call for a ceasefire now.” A ceasefire, like cutting off Israel’s arms shipment, would allow Hamas to survive. That’s why Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) agreed with Awad: “The American people won’t forget. Biden, support a ceasefire now. Or don’t count on us in 2024.”
