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Michigan Government: Stacked Top to Bottom with Donor-provided Climate Activist “Staff”


Michigan Government: Stacked Top to Bottom with Donor-provided Climate Activist “Staff”
2 hours ago Guest Blogger 1 Comment

From Government Accountability & Oversight

With Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filing the “climate” lawsuit that campaign supporter Michigan LCV had lobbied her to file against energy companies, and the UM law school faculty putting the shoulder to the wheel as well, GAO recalls the recently unearthed record of just how occupied Michigan’s government is with donor-financed “climate staff”.

First, recall Nessel’s embrace of taking in an activist lawyer provided by Michael Bloomberg to file this suit, just as Bloomberg-provided lawyers have filed numerous others for AGs from New York to Oregon:

And Michigan’s Public Service Commission asking for Bloomberg-provided “staff”, brokered by a renewable energy trade association “founded and funded” by Tom Steyer to push his agenda:

Whitmer is a Granholm clone and seems determined to continue the same failures

Yet, the people in Michigan reelected her


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