General Category > January 6th
Ashli Babbit's heroic final minutes
WND By Jack Cashill 5/15/2024
New book reveals stunning true stories of Jan. 6 patriots
Ashli Babbitt entered the Capitol alone on the Senate side of the Capitol through a broken window at 2:23 p.m. on January 6, 2021. Once in, she encountered a female police officer who directed her towards the House side.
As Ashli walked, recording her fellow protestors with her iPhone along the way, she saw crowds wandering peacefully through the many rooms and corridors of this vast building. Uniformed police officers looked on, seemingly as clueless and confused as the protestors. There were no commands being given, no arrests being made, no police being attacked or abused.
At 2:25 p.m., Ashli climbed over a velvet rope to honor the walking lane designated for visitors. Still alone, Ashli made her way to the hallway leading up to the main door of the House Chamber.
A crowd had already gathered there. Not one to follow the crowd, literally or figuratively, she continued to explore the Capitol. At 2:36, Ashli, now accompanied by citizen journalist Tayler Hansen, walked down the long, narrow corridor leading to the Speaker’s Lobby.
Hansen recorded her as she walked. Guarding the lobby doors were three USCP officers – Sgt. Timothy Lively, Officer Kyle Yetter and Officer Christopher Lanciano. Hansen offered the officers some water, while Ashli joked with them. Within a minute or two, the trailing crowd of roughly thirty people quickly filled up the hallway in front of the lobby doors.
In that crowd was Zachary Alam, thirty, from Centreville, Va. In October 2023, former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson did a feature on Alam and two other potential provocateurs for her show “Full Measure.”
Attkisson explained, "I didn't see key provocateurs removed from the crowd. In fact, the key provocateurs in this case seem to be sort of tolerated, if not encouraged, by some of the police officers on the front line."
Free to roam despite his erratic behavior, Alam moved to the front of the crowd, reached between the officers, and began punching the glass panels while yelling, “F*** the blue.” This was not a MAGA thing to say or do. In fact, as Attkisson pointed out, Alam had no social media history tying him to Trump or the MAGA movement. He had, however, been arrested a half-dozen times in the previous four years.
Appalled by Alam’s behavior, Ashli’s police training kicked in. “Call f***ing back-up!” she shouted at the feckless officers as they stood in place with their backs to the doors, doing nothing.
“She was basically yelling at these officers telling them to do their jobs,” said Hansen. For more than a minute after the first window was cracked, protestors argued with the officers but did not touch them or threaten them. Nor did they smash any more windows. At one point, Alam stood with his back to the officers keeping the crowd at bay. Clearly frustrated, Ashli wandered away from the doors.
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