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Cohen Made Huge Admission in NYC Trump Case and Now the Tumblers Begin to Fall in Place


Cohen Made Huge Admission in NYC Trump Case and Now the Tumblers Begin to Fall in Place
Victoria Taft
5–6 minutes

Well, well, well. What in the world does the prosecution of Donald Trump in Manhattan for bookkeeping charges have to do with the DOJ, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and Russia, Russia, Russia? Seems interesting, no? We're just now beginning to understand a few more things about this Jenga-like prosecution of Donald Trump.

Other than the feds, in the form of the Southern District of New York federal prosecutors and the Federal Elections Commission declining to prosecute Trump for his payments to his attorney, we learned Tuesday that Robert Mueller's Special Counsel's Office wanted a piece of Michael Cohen before he reported to prison in 2018. Indeed, when all the questions are answered, we might discover that it was Mueller's pitbull, Andrew Weissmann, the FBI, and the DOJ who were responsible for his bizarre plea deal that sparked the idea for this wrong-headed case.

You'll find Weissmann all over MSNBC opining on the Manhattan case and telling the audience there that Trump is guilty... of something in this accounting brouhaha.

Here's what happened in court Tuesday during Cohen's testimony when the prosecutor asked him about it.

Cohen is testifying that he met with special counsel Robert Mueller's office several times before reporting to prison. Cohen first met with the special counsel's office in 2018 before pleading guilty, and he says he was not truthful "because I was still holding onto the loyalty to President Trump."



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