General Category > Elections 2024

Trump wants an Iron Dome for America. It won’t look like Israel’s


Trump wants an Iron Dome for America. It won’t look like Israel’s

BY ELLEN MITCHELL - 05/14/24 6:00 AM ET

Former President Trump has repeatedly promised an Iron Dome missile defense system to protect the United States if he returns to the presidency. Experts say it would be a far cry from what’s used in Israel.

In his pledge, first made in December and repeated at least twice at campaign stops since, Trump said he would work to build “the greatest dome of them all” due to “a lot of hostile people out there.”

But experts say a promise to build something like the Israeli defense system, but better and over the entire continental United States, would come with an exorbitant price tag and little use for stopping the short-range missiles it’s meant to protect against.

A more sensible goal would be an improved missile shield comprised of several layered systems, working with several protections the country already has in place, they say.

“Iron Dome was a system tailor-made for Israel,” said Tom Karako, director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Missile Defense Project. “Putting an Iron Dome on every corner is neither affordable nor is it sensible.”


   Electioneering BS but his  ****sheep**** will swallow it whole.

Counting borders and coasts there has to be at least 20K miles that would have to be implemented for protection

What would that cost?  And could it be done practically?


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