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After a double betrayal fails to sway Israel, the Biden administration tries extortion


After a double betrayal fails to sway Israel, the Biden administration tries extortion
Elizabeth Stauffer
May 14, 2024 6:00 am

With friends like President Joe Biden, who needs enemies?

In a report released to Congress on Friday, the Biden administration concluded it was “reasonable to assess” that Israel had violated international humanitarian law using U.S. arms in Gaza. Although the report states that U.S. officials were unable to “link specific U.S. weapons to individual strikes by Israeli forces in Gaza” due to “wartime conditions,” it claims that “there have been sufficient reported incidents to raise serious concerns.”

The following sentence tells you all you need to know: “[T]he State Department has received reporting from multiple credible UN and non-governmental sources on alleged human rights violations by Israeli forces during the reporting period.”

The Washington Post reported that Biden ordered the investigation in February after congressional Democrats, led by Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), proposed legislation to determine whether the Israel Defense Forces had used U.S.-provided arms in an unlawful manner in Gaza.

This report comes just days after Biden paused a shipment of 3,500 bombs to Israel to deter them from invading Rafah, Hamas’s last stronghold in Gaza. Unless and until Israel can eliminate Hamas’s four remaining battalions in Rafah and the group’s leaders who are believed to be hiding there, they cannot defeat Hamas.


Remember the USS Liberty?


--- Quote from: rustynail on May 14, 2024, 01:11:19 pm ---Remember the USS Liberty?

--- End quote ---

Can you explain what you mean by your post? What about the Liberty is significant today?
When did this Liberty thing happen and why?

Israel could accidently give Biden's war machine a little love tap.

If you are implying that Israel would deliberately attack American Forces, then I cannot agree that Israel would ever do that. Unless Biden is reelected, America becomes 'formally' allied with Iran and attacks Israel. In that scenario, Israel would have no choice.


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