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Report: Biden Admin Offers Intel on Hamas Leaders If Israel Quits Rafah Attack..[bombshell report]

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Report: Biden Admin Offers Intel on Hamas Leaders If Israel Quits Rafah Attack

Joel B. Pollak 11 May 2024

The Biden administration has reportedly offered Israel intelligence on the whereabouts of Hamas leaders in tunnels underneath Gaza — if Israel ends its ongoing attack on the last Hamas stronghold in the Gaza town of Rafah.

The Washington Post reported on Saturday: “The Biden administration, working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels, according to four people familiar with the U.S. offers.”

The offer puzzled observers, who wondered why the Biden administration did not simply give Israel the intelligence needed to find the Hamas leaders, especially as five Americans are still hostage.

The Biden administration has insisted since February that Israel should not attack Hamas in Rafah, suggesting that there are other ways to remove the Hamas leaders from Gaza. The administration has never said what those ways are.

Biden recently paused certain arms shipments to Israel, including heavy bombs and artillery, as a statement of opposition to Israel’s operation in Rafah. Israel sees the operation as necessary to win the war and prevent Hamas from returning to power in Gaza.

Supporters of Israel in the United States have also argued that if Hamas survives, terror groups will be emboldened around the world, and will step up attacks on the U.S. and other countries.

BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel
~3 minutes

Joe Biden has been hiding intelligence on the whereabouts of Hamas leaders and their command tunnels, depriving Israel of vital information that could lead to an end to the war. That revelation came in a report on Saturday and was framed as the administration offering that information now if the ongoing operation in Rafah is canceled.

The story first broke in The Washington Post, with the paper describing the offer as follows.

    The Biden administration, working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels, according to four people familiar with the U.S. offers.

There's no other way to read this except that the Biden administration has been protecting Hamas. If intelligence exists that can help "pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders," it should have been given to Israel the moment it was produced. The same goes for any information about the terror tunnels.

Why was that information held back from Israel? Was the White House trying to appease Iran by ensuring Hamas' survival? Or was Biden concerned about the domestic backlash from the far left if he had a hand in eliminating Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar?


The Obadin Hussein administration has finally 'outed' itself as pro-Hamas/Iran and anti-Israel.
This is why Hamas suddenly canceled all hostage negotiations and restarted bombing Israel.
Why should Hamas 'negotiate' when they know big brother Obadin is watching their backs? (and feeding them)

PeteS in CA:
1. LIEden & Crew have been protecting the leaders who organized and led a peacetime invasion of Israel in which Israeli citizens were brutally murdered and mutilated, raped, and abducted.

2. Why in Hades would Israel trust information from the multi-betrayer LIEden?

Biden and his Idiocracy are one hell of an ally.

Biden and Co are the leading supporters of terrorists in the world.  Everything Wrecking Ball Joe touches turns to sh*t, so why not do the same for a true ally, Israel.  The USA under Biden has become Israel's biggest enemy.

Watch for Israel turning to Russia or China.  Biden in 3.5 years has managed to destroy everything the USA is about on the world stage.  Uggggh, too many in the USA that are totally clueless, and it does not help matters having a totally corrupt media.


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