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Smells Like ‘68: Foreboding Parallels for Democrats in 2024

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--- Quote from: corbe on May 12, 2024, 01:46:24 am ---   I've been saying this for 6 months. 
   Nixon went on to beat Humprey by a whooping, 110 EV's.  Can Trump do the same in the age of election fraud?

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Trump won't win many of the states that Nixon won. Nixon carried California, Oregon, New Mexico, Arizona, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Illinois

Trump will probably not carry any of them. He won my state(Wi) by a narrowest of margins in 2016 because that year had one of the lowest voter turnouts especial In Milwaukee County. Had that county followed previous voting patterns, Hillary would have won

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: LMAO on May 12, 2024, 02:02:58 am ---Trump won't win many of the states that Nixon won. Nixon carried California, Oregon, New Mexico, Arizona, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Illinois

Trump will probably not carry any of them. He won my state(Wi) by a narrowest of margins in 2016 because that year had one of the lowest voter turnouts especial In Milwaukee County. Had that county followed previous voting patterns, Hillary would have won

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Despite what you keep saying, I refuse to give up and quit.


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on May 12, 2024, 02:04:44 am ---Despite what you keep saying, I refuse to give up and quit.

--- End quote ---

Ok...fine :shrug:

If the pro HAMAS wing of the Democrat Party decides, as a protest vote, to not vote for Biden, that is a serious threat to his re election. The Biden people know that. Look at their actions when it comes to Israel as of late.

If they stay home in 2024 in enough numbers like they did in 2016, then Trump could squeak out a win

From the article....

Pacifying those radicals without alienating the political center will be difficult. 

The Biden administration has already made their choice


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