General Category > Crime And Punishment

DOJ requests 40-year sentence for man who assaulted Paul Pelosi

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Poor guy.  In SanFran a guy who hammered a normal, un connected guy, would be out in 6 months.

Cyber Liberty:
He attacked an old man with a hammer in front of the cops.  I don't care who the victim was, he deserves heavy prison time.

Had he inflicted the same injuries on some nobody of a fellow mentally unbalanced  street person,  he probably would not have been prosecuted in SF.

Under California law, the maximum penalty for felony aggravated battery is four years.

I can't find a statute for 'attempted kidnapping' (which is pretty damn hard to prosecute considering the target victim was over 2,500 miles away.  But the penalty for kidnapping is eight years.

So we're looking at 12 years max.  Not 40.

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: mountaineer on May 12, 2024, 01:39:01 am ---Had he inflicted the same injuries on some nobody of a fellow mentally unbalanced  street person,  he probably would not have been prosecuted in SF.

--- End quote ---

True, sadly.


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