General Category > Weather

It's not a matter of if a hurricane will hit Florida, but when, forecasters say

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--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on May 11, 2024, 06:56:16 pm ---Isn't this always the case?  There are low storm years, and high storm years.  The story isn't suggesting this year will be good or bad.  I am just hoping, as usual, that the storms spare my friends, like you, @Wingnut and others.

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If you believe the reports...we are all gonna die.  Me, I say F'm.  These asshats are full of more shit than a christmas goose.


--- Quote from: Wingnut on May 12, 2024, 12:04:10 am ---
If you believe the reports...we are all gonna die.  Me, I say F'm.  These asshats are full of more shit than a christmas goose.

--- End quote ---

True enough, most of them don't know their head from a hole in the ground (I'm being polite).

Only God knows... so I just leave it up to Him..


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