General Category > Elections 2024

The Swamp Survived: Why Trump Failed to “Drain the Swamp"

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And here's one for Biden

Only the voters can drain the swamp by not re-electing incumbents.

Maj. Bill Martin:
I view the "swamp" as the unelected bureaucrats who make and implement policy throughout the executive branch.  So to drain that swamp, two things must happen:

1) an incoming president must fire immediately all political appointees from the prior Administration, throughout every administrative agency.  That will likely cause some short-term chaos, but it will definitely be worth it.

2) reclassify more higher ranking civil service positions into political appointee positions so that civil servants with more discretionary authority can be replaced by an incoming president.

"The swamp" can be "neutralized" without having to actually "drain" it.

I have the way. The plan.

I'm the one Mr. Trump should call...
(completely serious about this)


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