Author Topic: Bill Gates wants to use AI for genetically modifying beef cows to “save the planet”  (Read 1297 times)

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Offline rangerrebew

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Bill Gates wants to use AI for genetically modifying beef cows to “save the planet”
04/23/2024 / By Cassie B.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently discussed how AI could fight climate change on his podcast, Unconfuse Me With Bill Gates, and it was just the type of unhinged conversation you would expect from the same man who touts synthetic beef, depopulation, preventing cows from burping and experimental geoengineering.

He made his latest remarks in an interview with data scientist Hannah Ritchie. When their conversation turned to artificial intelligence and its potential utility in addressing environmental issues, he shared his surprise at how quickly the technology has been advancing.

“I was very stunned how the AIs went from basically not being able to read or write at all, to doing that in a very facile way,” he told her.

When asked if he thought AI could play a role in taking action on the climate, he answered, “Absolutely.” He then cited the example of genetically modifying beef cattle with AI so that they produce less methane, or using AI to somehow produce “meat without the cow.”
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Offline mountaineer

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What we need to do with cows who fart methane is eat them. Voila, problem solved.

Online libertybele

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What we need to do with cows who fart methane is eat them. Voila, problem solved.

I second that! Gates wanting to save the planet?  Right!  That's why he's purchased up so much farmland.
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"As in the days of Noah..."

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No thanks

I prefer a real steak
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How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
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Another little snippet from the UK #NetZero plan: 'Beef and lamb phased out by 2050 and replaced by greatly expanded demand for vegetarian food'

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Gates is evil.  I continue to pray that the Lord God Jesus Christ stops the evil that keeps prevailing in this country.

I become overwhelmed by all the evilness that is surrounding this country and countries across the globe.
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I can't wait till Gates's cells have all achieved entropy.

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I can't wait till Gates's cells have all achieved entropy.
