Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls

Pulse of Briefers (Part II) Election Sentiment 6 Months Out

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Bump, and very interested how this and subsequent TBR polls turn.


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on June 01, 2024, 04:13:33 pm ---Bump, and very interested how this and subsequent TBR polls turn.

--- End quote ---

No different for me.


--- Quote from: Kamaji on May 20, 2024, 11:23:33 pm ---Balsamic vinegar makes a good marinade as well.

--- End quote ---

So does fresh garlic and Worcestershire sauce.

Rick Scott is up for re-election and is being challenged by 2 other Republicans, so for that reason alone I'll go to the ballot box in November.  I also will be researching some of the local candidates.  Our sheriff who I'm not exactly fond of anymore is so far unopposed. He does lean more conservative. There are 3 judges up for election, but none of them are being challenged.

So as of now, I am still planning on voting down ballot.  After some of the dust settles after his conviction and learn of his fate and if he is still nominated at the Convention he'll win FL anyways, so my vote isn't going to make any difference. There is no 3rd party candidate that I'd voted for either.

I'm a vastly more confirmed hold my nose and vote for Trump guy tan I was six months ago.


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